At Non-Stop Kids Entertainment we have performed thousands of virtual parties for kids all over the country. Our virtual packages are designed to be fun, engaging and guarantee an amazing experience for your children's birthday party. Another amazing feature included in our packages is teaching the kids new and exciting skills for the future.
The Future Benefits of Virtual Parties for Your Children | Innovative Kids Party Concepts
Each of our amazing virtual packages teach the kids something new and fun that will greatly benefit their skills in the future. From learning about the importance of teamwork to improving their social skills with handy card tricks, there are so many unique advantages included that will help.
Magic Improves Their Social Skills!
As part of our virtual party options, we also have a Virtual Magic Workshop that is designed for older kids to learn magic. Children learning magic at a young age creates so many opportunities and offers many benefits to help them develop as they grow. If you ever watched an entertainer perform magic, you will know they aren't shy of confidence and that's what we love about our Magic Workshop package. It helps develop their confidence and interaction skills with other people. If your child masters a magic trick to show off to their friends, this will become a great confidence builder and does wonders for your children's self esteem.
Strengthening their creativity is a great way to start. It's no secret that children's creativity skills are far superior to adults. Their creativity skills help them come up with fun ideas and develop personal skills. Imagine how great it would be to improve their creative skills with magic! Practising and rehearsing magic tricks will teach your child to grow more comfortable with magic before they develop their own tricks and do wonders for their dexterity, teaching the kids how to think on the spot and bounce back into action.
The best part about magic as well is improving your child's communication skills. Younger children especially sometimes struggle to finish a a single sentence while other children are quite shy around others. Thanks to the wonders of magic, this will help enhance their communication and presentation skills with both children and adults. Having a handy magic trick up their sleeve is the perfect ice breaker when meeting with new people.
Encourages Teamwork!
Children will often work in teams when attending school or hanging out with their friends. Whether it's for a school project, sports day or fun activities, learning about the importance of teamwork while they partake in high energy party games! When it comes to our Virtual Pop Star Party Package, we divide the kids into two teams and between them they learn to choreograph a dance and learn to sing a popular pop song. By the end of the party, all of the kids will have worked together to perform their song and dance routine. Not only have they worked together to create a fun dance routine but they have got to partake in something fun as well.
Learning Hidden Skills!
The best part about all of our virtual party packages is the kids will learn something fun and unique with each experience. One of our packages teaches the children several scientific experiments. Science is a big part of your children's development cycle. It's taught in many schools and opens many opportunities. Science is super fun and what better way to get children prepared than creating some wacky experiments for their birthday party. With our Virtual Science Party we teach the kids how to create exciting experiments with nothing more than household items. We will show them how to make a lava lamp out of Alka-Seltzer and a pop bottle or make slime. Learning science is a great skillset, especially for kids who one day want to become a professor.
How would your child like to become the best spy ever? Thanks to our Virtual Spy Party, we teach the kids all sorts of hidden techniques they will learn and put to good use for the future. The kids will learn how to send secret coded messages, how to decipher the messages and how to use invisible ink. Amazing fun that your children will cherish forever and get to keep for years to come.
Virtual Parties Are Great For Development!
There are so many amazing benefits and advantages to help teach your children different skill sets for the future. Virtual Party Packages offer the perfect opportunity to balance out learning while partaking in something fun. They won't even realise they have learned something new and fun for the future. We are more than happy to speak to you about booking a children's virtual party. Drop us a message via our contact form and we will get back to you with a no obligation consultation. Or alternatively you can call us on 0333 301 3002!
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