If you have been keeping up to date with Non-Stop Kids Entertainment you will know all about our Virtual Magic Workshop. This amazing virtual party package is very popular for older kids who want to get into the world of magic. As well as showing off magic skills, our entertainer also teaches the kids how to perform their very own magic tricks to keep forever and show off to their other friends!
Discovering Kid-Friendly Magic Tricks: Sourcing Enchantment | Virtual Magic Party Realm
We have performed thousands of virtual parties but this is easily one of our most popular virtual party packages. It's an amazing interactive experience that encourages creativity as well as helps develop their personal skills. Some kids who have experienced this party might want to further upgrade their skills with newer magic tricks. Or you might have kids who are interested in magic and would love to expand their knowledge into that world. For all the kids out there who are ready to become the next Dynamo or David Blaine, we have the perfect places for you to acquire magic tricks!
Marvin's Magic!
Marvin's Magic has been around for years and is one of the best places to acquire magic from. As the leading brand of magic for children, all of their tricks are custom designed to work for kids. This amazing place is run by a fantastic magician named Marvin Berglas who operates in Hamleys of Regent Street in central London. All of their magic tricks are unique, interactive and fun amongst all audiences. They have been around for years and you will never go wrong with their services.
Alakazam Magic Shop!
Our number one suggestion is Alakazam Magic Shop! This is where you will find the best magic tricks for your children. With their magic props they will have descriptions to tell you if they are suitable for children or not with different magic trick options available. You can find out what type of magic your kids are into and then find a video that demonstrates said trick. No matter where you are located in the country they will ship magic props to your location. Call them up and they will happily speak to you about what they can do for you.
ProgDog offers the same concept as Alakazam but with some unique services. Not only are they the biggest walk in magic shop, but they also manufacture and design magic props, gimmicks and other magic products for professional magicians all across the world. Their goal is to give you, the parent, as much as information about a magic product as possible. We understand what it's like to see a product that looks great only to find out it was nothing like you expected. PropDog has great explanation videos along with high resolution photos to give you a full understanding of what you will be buying!
Find The Right Place For You!
There are amazing places to find magic tricks for your children to practise and learn! Marvin's Magic is definitely the best place to receive custom designed tricks while Alakazam and PropDog will have descriptions to tell you if their products are suitable for children. Magic is an amazing hobby for your children to get into and that's one of the reasons our virtual parties are so popular. We teach the children magic, provide non-stop interaction and take care of all the entertainment. All you need to do is invite the guests before sitting back and enjoy the show!
Our head office is more than happy to speak to you about providing a virtual party for your children's birthday. Whether it's for a Magic Workshop or one of our other virtual party packages, we will happily talk you through the options. Call us on 0333 301 3002 or send in a contact form for a no obligation consultation. Thanks for checking out today's blog. We hope you have an amazing day!

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