Everyone is thrilled to hear lockdown will soon be ending with all restrictions permanently removed. As a result we are now securing garden parties for everyone who wants to celebrate their children's birthday in the warm weather. We're thrilled everything is returning to normal but we wanted to take this time to talk about our brilliant online parties.
The Affection of Non-Stop Kids Entertainers for Virtual Parties | Embracing Virtual Celebrations with NSK
We introduced our Virtual Package back in March 2020 to make sure children didn't have to postpone their entertainment plans. It's a brilliant concept that took elements from our Hassle Free Package to bring the thrill of our parties right to your doorstep. It was also a perfect opportunity for our amazing entertainers to continue doing what they do best. They've loved the experience and have lots of positive experiences to share with us!
Guests From Around The World!
"One of the main things I like about virtual parties is that you can have so many people from different areas of the U.K and even the world. I've had families in the U.K, Miami, New Zealand, India and so on! I've also had parents tell me how excited they are to not have to clean up after lots of children in their house - of course this is just as we like to find our silver linings! There's also no venue booking and food to provide and so on." - Yazmine.
And this is very true. When it comes to a virtual birthday party you don't have to worry about finding a venue that is convenient for all of your guests to travel to. Everyone will be partaking online from the comfort of their home. You can even invite friends & family who live overseas. All everyone requires is a smart device with internet connection. As long as your virtual birthday party is scheduled for a time zone that works for everyone, you're good to go!
Full Control Of The Party!
"It has been heartwarming to see children that may not normally cope well with a traditional party due to developmental difficulties such as ADHD or AUTISM enjoy their virtual party so much. Virtual parties allow all children to feel fully involved but also allows them to have full control of how loud the music is, how much interaction they have with the other children, if they want their camera on or not." - Emily.
This is very true. We have performed entertainment for thousands of parties and it isn't uncommon we are asked if we can perform for children with disabilities. The answer is yes! Our entertainers have years of experience when it comes to entertaining children and know how to adapt our shows to any environment. Virtual birthday parties are no different when it comes to adapting our show.
The Flexibility!
"I love virtual parties because they are so flexible around my lifestyle, and it brings a bit of fun into my house in these dark times. As a performer working on screen is great fun for me, and it allows me to really interact with the children one on one. It's also great for children who have autism or sensory issues, because they can control the volume, and their level of interaction with what makes them most comfortable. Being in their own homes, also means children who get nervous at live parties, can really relax and enjoy themselves in their own space." - Catherine.
Non-Stop Kids excel at bringing shy children out of their shells and get them to partake in their special day. But a great advantage to a virtual party is everyone has the option to turn off their web camera without leaving the party. Our entertainers are also highly experienced at tailoring our parties to make children who may have disabilities feel more comfortable.
Saving Lots Of Money!
"They are more accessible. They cost less because not only is the entertainment less expensive than for a normal party, but customers don't have to buy food, hire a venue and so on. Both of these benefits mean a wider range of people can enjoy a party experience!" - Jordan.
Absolutely. We've all fired out a venue at some point and you know there's a lot to consider usually. That includes finding a location that is in reasonable distance for everyone, arranging parking for everyone and much more. With a virtual party you save tons of money without losing any quality of the entertainment. Everyone can sit back and enjoy the show with a hot beverage at hand!
Brilliant Children's Entertainment!
We're thrilled our country is returning to normal soon and all restrictions will be removed by June 21s. While outdoor entertainment has now returned, virtual birthday parties are still available to book in the upcoming weeks. Likewise, if you have a virtual package booked but you want to swap it for a garden party, that's not a problem. Simple get in touch and we'll happily talk to you about providing children's entertainment. Send in a contact form or call us on 0333 301 3002 for a no obligation consultation. We look forward to supplying one of our amazing entertainers to your children's birthday soon!
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